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Development Forms and Permits

Accessing Property via a Council Reserve

If you would like to gain access to a property via a Council reserve, you will need permission in accordance to Council's By-Law No.3 - Local Government Land. The authorised organisation, company or person will need to complete and sign the indemnity form, then return the form to Council along with the application at least two weeks prior to the day access is required.

Please note if you are using or hiring contractors or machinery, you are required to provide a copy of a current Certificate of Currency (public liability insurance).

Permit to Operate a Mobile Food Vending Business on Council Land

If you're selling any kind of food product on local government land, you must gain permission before starting business trade.

To operate on Council-owned land, you must apply for a Mobile Food Vending Permit or Licence pursuant to Section 202 and 222 of the Local Government Act 1999. There are requirements for operating a mobile food business within the City of Playford, please read our Mobile Food Vendor Location Rules below.

Any business where food is prepared or sold requires a Food Business Notification, as per the Food Act 2001, prior to commencing the business.

For more information please contact Council's Property Team via email at or phone (08) 8256 0333.

Council requires a minimum of four (4) weeks to process the above application and issue a permit.

Food Businesses Notification

A new food business, or a change to an existing business, may require development approval. To find out if your proposal requires approval, please contact Council’s Duty Planner via email at or phone (08) 8256 0331.

Any business where food is prepared or sold requires a Food Business Notification, as per the Food Act 2001, prior to commencing the business.

Prior to commencing business operations, please contact Council's Environmental Health Team - - to discuss your Food Business Notification, or the fit-out of your food business.

Permit to trade on Council land

Sometimes operating a business on Council land is considered a development which requires approval, such as alfresco dining or advertising signage on a footpath or road reserve, or structures encroaching onto Council land. To confirm if your proposal requires approval, contact Council’s Property Team via email at or phone (08) 8256 0333.

To operate on Council-owned land, you must obtain a permit from the Council per Section 222 of the Local Government Act 1999.

Application to Alter or use a Public Road or Council Land

In accordance with Sections 202, 221 and 222 of the Local Government Act 1999 alteration or use of a public road or Council land (including Community Land) is not permitted unless authorised by Council.

Forms of consent include permits, authorisations, leases or licences.

Use of public road or Council land must not commence until approval has been granted.

Please note in some instances the proposed use may not be deemed appropriate and therefore may not be approved.

Definition of a road

A road extends from property line to property line and includes the roadside and road, commonly referred to as “road reserve”. Road can also include a bridge, footpath or walkway.

When to submit an application form

An application form must be completed for the following:

  • Alteration of the public road to permit access from an adjacent property
  • Erect, install or remove a building or structure (including pipes, wires, cables, fixtures, fittings, site compounds and other objects) associated with the public road or Council land
  • Alteration of the public road
  • Use of public road or Council land for a business purpose
  • Exclusion of access to public road or Council land i.e. road closure due to development works
  • Any other matter relevant to the use or maintenance of public road or Council land

Please allow four (4) weeks for requests to be considered.

When an application is not required

If the alternation is a vehicle crossover (section that you use to get your vehicle from the road to the driveway within your property) and has received approval as part of a development application under the Development Act 1993 or Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016.


If you're building your new home in one of Playford’s smaller townships, such as Angle Vale, Virginia or One Tree Hill, you may need to install an on-site wastewater system as these areas are unsewered areas (not connected to the SA Water sewer system.)

For a new system installation, you will need to contact a qualified wastewater engineer to determine a suitable system for your home and to prepare an engineer’s report.

After this you will need to submit a completed application form, the engineer’s report, a site plan of your house and the proposed system and an underfloor plumbing plan showing the proposed sanitary drainage. Please also be advised that a fee is applicable for the application and will be determined upon lodgement of the application.

You can then submit the documents through the following methods:

  • In person: Playford Civic Centre, 10 Playford Boulevard, Elizabeth
  • By email:
  • By mail: City of Playford, 12 Bishopstone Road, Davoren Park SA 5113

Liquor Licencing

To serve liquor in any facility, you need a liquor licence. The Consumer and Business Services (CBS) assess liquor licence applications in South Australia; CBS requires a letter from Council to confirm liquor licence applications are consistent with the approved land use and development conditions that relate to the venue.

If the venue is owned by the Council, applicants will also need to provide the land owner (Council) consent to CBS. This request should be emailed to

Requests for Council comment should be emailed to accompanying:

  • A cover letter detailing the proposal
  • A copy of the CBS application form
  • A site plan showing the entire property and where the licenced area is on the property
  • A floor plan showing the proposed licenced area

Subject to your proposed licence type, please allow up to eight weeks for processing.