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Deputations and Petitions

Your Voice in Council

We want to make it easy for you to engage with us, which is why requests for deputations and submission of petitions are an important part of the decision-making process for the City of Playford. You can bring these matters to Council or Committee meetings as either a petition or deputation.

A petition may be tabled by Council without comment or presentation, while a deputation is an opportunity for a member of the public to address council and present their case.

Lodge a Petition

Bring attention to your cause with a petition! They help the public show us any matter they believe requires action and must be submitted in writing to the Chief Executive Officer seven clear days prior to the next Ordinary Council meeting.

Please note that any petition submitted to the Council is required to include the name and address of each person who has signed or endorsed the petition, in accordance with the Local Government (Procedures at Meetings) Regulations 2013.

Request a Deputation

You can request in writing the opportunity to address Council, known as a ‘deputation’. Deputation requests need to be submitted to the Council before 9:00am on the Monday morning prior to the meeting. The Presiding Member will give final approval for a deputation to be presented.

Petition and Deputation Process

The request templates above have been developed to assist you to engage with your Council in the most effective manner. While we accept deputation requests and petitions outside this format, it should be emphasised that it is Council’s preference to receive deputation requests and petitions in the template formats found above.

The Code of Practice for Council and Committee Meetings provides essential information about petitions and deputations. Please note that the City of Playford requires all attendees at meetings to abide by the Code of Practice, which is available on the Policies and Guidelines page and below.

If you have any queries in relation to your deputation, request or petition submission, please contact us on 8256 0333 or email