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Council Member Registers and Returns

Council Member Registers

Gifts and Benefits

To keep our Council accountable and transparent, the City of Playford Council Members are bound by mandatory reporting of gifts and benefits received from the public.

Where Elected Members receive a gift or benefit of more than a value published in the Government Gazette by the Minister for Local Government from time to time, details of each gift or benefit must be recorded within a gifts and benefits register maintained and updated quarterly by the Council’s Chief Executive Officer. This register must be made available for inspection at the principal office of the Council and on the Council website.

Gifts and Benefits Registers are maintained per financial year and updates are published quarterly.

Allowances and Benefits

In accordance with Section 79 of the Local Government Act 1999, the Chief Executive Officer is required to maintain and publish an Allowances and Benefits Register of Members of Council including:

  • The annual allowance payable to the member; and
  • Details of any expenses reimbursed by the Council under section 77(1)(b); and
  • Details of other benefits paid or payable to, or provided for the benefit of, the member by the Council.

The Allowances and Benefits Register is maintained per financial year and updates are published quarterly.

Register of Interests

In accordance with Section 68 and Section 70 of the Local Government Act 1999 the Chief Executive Officer is required to maintain and publish a Register of Interests of Members of Council.

Personal addresses are not to be published nor are any addresses where the CEO is satisfied that the inclusion in the Register of the address of a person would place at risk the personal safety of that person, a member of that person's family or any other person

Details of declarations by a member of Council under Section 75B(3) and Section 75C(5) of the Local Government Act 1999 are recorded in the minutes of the meeting where the declaration was made and within the Council Member Declarations Register.

Training and Development

Section 80A of the Local Government Act 1999 and Regulation 8AA of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2013, sets out the legal requirements for training and development for Council Members. A Council Member must comply with the prescribed mandatory training requirements, which includes the LGA Training Standards available for viewing at

Subsection 80A(2h) of the Local Government Act 1999 requires the Chief Executive Officer to maintain a register relating to training and development of Council Members. The register details scheduled and completed mandatory training by City of Playford Council Members.

Council has adopted the following policies relating to Council Member Training.

Council Member Training and Conference Reports

To keep our Council accountable and transparent, City of Playford Council Members are bound by mandatory reporting of attendance at training and development events.

Reports of attendance by the Mayor and Councillors at any training and development events will be published on our website in the section below.

Council Member Training and Conference Reports