- One on One Tech Help (Civic Centre Library)
One on One Tech Help (Civic Centre Library)
- Where:
- Playford Civic Centre Library
- Topic:
- Education, Libraries, Science and Technology
- Audience:
- Seniors
- Cost:
- Free
- Bookings:
- Required
- Recurrences:
- Contacts:
- Business / Organisation Name: Playford Library Service
- Telephone: 8256 0333
- Email: library@playford.sa.gov.au
Need someone to help you with using your phone, laptop or computer? Book into the library's one on one sessions where you can have that support from a library staff member to get your technology based tasks done.
Each session runs for one hour and you will receive one on one support with tacking your tech queries.
* Please be reminded that is you are feeling unwell or have cold/flu symptoms- please cancel your appointment by calling 8256 0333.
Playford Civic Centre Library
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