- Caring for Kids (St John's Training)
Caring for Kids (St John's Training)
- When:
- Saturday 8th June at 10:30am - 1:30pm
- Where:
- Stretton Centre Library
- Topic:
- Community, Education, Health, Kids and Family, Libraries, Talks and Workshops
- Audience:
- Business, Families, Community Organisations
- Bookings:
- Required
- Contacts:
- Business / Organisation Name: Playford Library
- Telephone: 82560333
- Email: library@playford.sa.gov.au
This course is a non-accredited course delivered in a relaxed environment with no assessments but plenty of hands-on practice for relevant first aid techniques. The course is to help parents, grandparents and carers of young children up to the age of 12 years with emergency first aid such as managing unconciousness, choking, bleeding, burns, respiratory distress and anaphylaxis. There will also be time set aside incase attendees would like to know more about certain subjects of child first aid.
You can find out more about the course on the St John website here>>https://www.stjohnsa.com.au/training/caring-for-kids-course
Saturday 8 June
Cost: $15 per person
Stretton Centre Library
Stretton Centre Library
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