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Heaslip Road Upgrade

Heaslip Road, between Angle Vale Road and Woodbridge Drive, Angle Vale will be upgraded between April and December 2023.

As the population of Angle Vale continues to grow, Heaslip Road is experiencing more car and pedestrian activity, particularly in the vicinity of Trinity College Gawler River.

This upgrade will improve traffic flows along the road as well as access for pedestrians and cyclists.

Under construction

Temporary road closures are being put in place at various locations while construction is underway.

The changes seek to minimise disruption to road users as much as possible while enabling work to be undertaken safely.

We thank you for your patience while this important infrastructure work is underway.


Keep an eye on this page to for updates on the project progress, road closures, diversions and time frames of constructions.

To keep the community informed, details of significant closures are being letterbox dropped to nearby residents.

Update - 05 July 2023

Work is progressing well on site, with kerbing installed and lighting installation underway.

Update - 21 April 2023

Heaslip Road will be closed between Woodbridge Drive and Alexander Road from 1 May to about 31 July 2023. Detours will be in place via neighbouring streets. Please expect traffic delays as a result of these works and we thank you in advance for your patience.

About the project

The upgrade will include:

  • Construction of a new shared-used path and footpath.
  • An upgrade of the pedestrian crossing outside Trinity College Gawler River.
  • New kerbing installed from Woodbridge Drive to Alexander Road including parallel parking bays.
  • Construction of stormwater infrastructure.
  • Landscaping to improve the general amenity of the road.

Construction will commence in early April with completion expected before the end of 2023.

Will there be any detours in place?

Yes. Detours will be in place at certain times during construction when Heaslip Road is closed. Detours are necessary to ensure works can be undertaken safely and efficiently.

Throughout the project, detours may use residential streets including Alexander Road, Paulmark Road, Bressington Drive, Bubner Road and Broster Road. Closures of Heaslip Road will be advertised with advanced notice via electronic signage (VMS boards).

Which streets may be included in the detours?

Throughout the project detours may use residential streets, including:

  • Alexander Road
  • Paulmark Road
  • Bressington Drive
  • Bubner Road
  • Broster Road.
I live on Heaslip Road. Will I be able to access my property?

Residents on Heaslip Road may lose access temporarily to allow for construction near their driveways, but our contractor will liaise with impacted residents beforehand.

My street is part of a detour. What can I expect?

Higher traffic levels and general road noise during the day can be expected so please exercise caution when exiting your property.

It is important to note that although surrounding streets may not be included in a formal detour, increases in traffic on other roads in the area can be expected as motorists look for different routes to avoid the road works.

How long will this project take?

The upgrade is expected to be completed by the end of 2023. Weather and other external influences can have a significant impact on project timelines and any major changes to the project schedule will be published on our website.

Why does it take that long?

Much more goes into a road upgrade than laying asphalt and paving new footpaths.

Significant work goes into relocating or installing underground services such as power, water, gas, and stormwater prior to rebuilding the road. This takes place at the start of a project and often occurs below ground, meaning progress isn’t always visible.

Following the service works, preparation of the new road base begins, which involves transporting material, shaping the ground and compacting to create a strong foundation for the new road.

Contractors can then install the new kerb, footpath and road surface. After the road and footpath components are constructed, irrigation and landscaping are completed.

How is this project funded?

As part of the 30-year plan for greater Adelaide, the surrounding area of Angle Vale was rezoned for residential development. During this rezoning process it was recognised that infrastructure upgrades were required to cater for the growth that would eventually follow.

To make sure ratepayers didn’t carry the lion’s share of this financial burden, Council negotiated agreements which committed landowners and the State Government to part fund infrastructure costs. These are known as deeds and are essential in ensuring that growth doesn’t mean large rate increases to cover the cost of building new or upgraded infrastructure in growing areas.

The road deed set out the roads and intersections that were required to be upgraded as development progressed within the growth area. Heaslip Road has been identified as a road requiring reconstruction.

The Angle Vale Growth Area Road Infrastructure Deed is funding 50% of this project, with Council funding the remaining 50%, as well as 100% of the pedestrian crossing upgrade.