- Talent Release Form
Talent Release Form
I give the City of Playford permission to use my:
- Name
- Photo / Video Image
I understand that images could be used across a range of media including, but not limited to, City of Playford print publications, website, advertising, social media and video.
I agree that my photo / video testimonial may be edited, or not used at all in the published content, at the discretion of the City of Playford.
Ay use by the City of Playford of my photo / video/ testimonial will be without payment and does not require any further consent from me.
I understand that if personal information (name or image) is published on the internet then it will be accessible to users from all over the world.
Information can also be searched for using an identifier such as a name and may be copied and used by any other person using the internet.
Most importantly, I understand that once my personal information has been published on the internet, the City of Playford has no control over its subsequent use and disclosure.