- Spring School Holidays: Messy Monkeys! Baby Sensory Session
Spring School Holidays: Messy Monkeys! Baby Sensory Session
- When:
- Thursday 13th October at 11:00am - 12:00pm
- Where:
- Playford Civic Centre Library
- Topic:
- Craft, Education, Fun and Entertainment, Kids and Family, Libraries, Program, School Holidays
- Audience:
- Families, Youth, Children
- Cost:
child - $2.00
- Bookings:
- Required
- Contacts:
- Business / Organisation Name: Playford Libraries
- Telephone: 8256 0333
- Email: library@playford.sa.gov.au
Thursday 13 October
Time: 11am - 12pm
Ages: 0 - 2 years
Cost: $2.00 per child (One Ticket equals one child and one adult attending.)
@ Civic Centre Library
Please keep in mind current COVD-19 directions as per the SA Health website.
- Also remember, If you are booked into the session and are feeling unwell or have cold/flu symptoms please contact the library to cancel/ re-schedule your booking (Ph: 8256 0333).
Please be patient with our staff and other attendees during the easing of restrictions.
Playford Civic Centre Library
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