- School Holiday Sports Clinic - Soccer
School Holiday Sports Clinic - Soccer
- When:
- Tuesday 21st January at 10:30am - 11:30am
- Where:
- Secombe Street Reserve
- Topic:
- Sports, School Holidays
- Audience:
- Families, Youth
- Cost:
Child - $2
- Bookings:
- Required
- Contacts:
- Name: Jess Harkness
- Telephone: 8256 0294
- Email: jharkness@playford.sa.gov.au
Want to try out some new sports?
This School Holidays we are offering low-cost soccer clinics.
Registration is $2, and sessions are suitable for ages 5 to 16.
The City of Playford will partner with the Roger Rasheed Sports Foundation to deliver ongoing sport training programs to children in the area using the facilities at the Secombe Street Reserve.
The partnership between City of Playford and RRSF aims to foster a healthier community by providing local children and families with access to sports, facilities and equipment.
NOTE: Sports clinic sessions may be cancelled in inclement weather or in the event the coach is unavailable. IF YOU CAN NOT MAKE IT PLEASE CANCEL YOUR BOOKING SO OTHERS MAY ATTEND.
Adult supervision is required for each child/s. For further information, contact Jess Harkness 8256 0294 or email jharkness@playford.sa.gov.au