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How to buy and sell your "stuff" online

How to buy and sell your "stuff" online
Friday 11th December at 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Playford Civic Centre Library
Education, Libraries, Talks and Workshops
Business, Seniors, Community Organisations

Join us for this session where you will learn how to buy and sell on such platforms as eBay, Facebook- Marketplace and Gum Tree. You will also find out how best to keep you credit card info safe when making online transactions.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions bookings are required to attend all our events in the library service.

The restriction guidelines include:

- Bookings are required for all attending people as there is capacity restrictions in the IT Suite.

- One ticket equals one person attending.

- Hand sanitiser will be provided upon entry to the session.

- A 1.5m social distancing is advised between attendees of the event.

- If you are booked into the session and are feeling unwell or have cold/flu symptoms please contact the library to cancel/ re-schedule your booking (Ph: 8256 0333).

Please be patient with our staff and other attendees during the easing of restrictions.

Playford Civic Centre Library

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