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Curtis Wetlands

  • BBQ
  • Bike Racks
  • Bike Track
  • Bin
  • Bridge
  • Drinking Fountain
  • Grassed Play Area
  • Gravel Paths
  • Lights
  • Nature Reserve
  • Park Bench
  • Paved Path
  • Picnic Table
  • Playground
  • Shelter
  • Toilets
  • Walking Trail
  • Wetlands
Curtis Road, Munno Para SA 5114, Australia
Playground equipment:
Climbing, Monkey Bars, Rubber Soft-Fall, Seesaw or Rocker, Slide, Spinner, Swings
Playground suitability:
3-5 years, 5-12 years, 12+ years
Dog suitability:
SPA-CO_190503_Curtis Wetlands Aerial
Feeding Ducks and Other Birds

Please DO NOT feed the ducks at parks, reserves and playgrounds in the City of Playford.

Native ducks and other birds that live on water stay healthy by eating foods like aquatic plants, seeds, grasses and insects.

Many foods that humans like to eat, including bread, can be harmful to native ducks and birds and can make them sick. Uneaten food can also contaminate the water and encourage vermin and foxes to the area.

Rather than feeding the ducks, there are other ways you can enjoy them in their native habitat, such as:

  • Count the ducks that you can see
  • Identify the different bird species
  • Help look after their environment by picking up rubbish
  • Taking photographs

Read more about feeding wildlife at the South Australian Department for Environment and Water's website.


Spa Ao 190201 Curtiswetlands Pano 121824




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