- Our new Council

Last night we held our Oath of Office ceremony – swearing in the City of Playford Council for 2022-2026.
Once sworn into office, Mayor Glenn Docherty welcomed other returning councillors, Peter Rentoulis, Clint Marsh, Jane Onuzans, Gay Smallwood-Smith, David Kerrison, Andrew Craig, Katrina Stroet, Marilyn Baker, Shirley Halls, Misty Norris and Akram Arifi.
New councillors to take their oath include Rebecca Vandepeear, Chantelle Karlsen, Tanya Smiljanic and Zahra Bayani.
The new Council has a great mix of experience and fresh energy, as well as a solid foundation to deliver on behalf of Playford residents.
More than 19,000 ballot papers were received during the 2022 election, with 28 per cent of registered voters in Playford having their say on our city’s leadership.
Our Council represents five wards and a city that stretches across established suburbs and emerging communities, horticultural lands, townships, and the hills.
Councillors by Ward:
Ward 1
Peter Rentoulis
Rebecca Vandepeear
Clint Marsh
Ward 2
Jane Onuzans
Gay Smallwood-Smith
Chantelle Karlsen
Ward 3
Tanya Smiljanic
David Kerrison
Andrew Craig
Ward 4
Zahra Bayani
Katrina Stroet
Marilyn Baker
Ward 5
Misty Norris
Akram Arifi