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Celebrating ability in style

Celebrating ability in style
Published 21 December 2018
Celebrating ability and finding inspiration on International Day of People With Disability.

Inspiration is an oft-overused term, but Playford resident Tyler Rutka-Hudson, who suffered significant injury in a major car accident, easily fits that description.

Tyler was one of four award winners when the City of Playford recently held its annual Celebration of Ability event, heralding International Day of People with Disability.

The annual awards recognise the achievements of people with a disability or individuals and organisations who have made a significant contribution to improve the lives of people with disability and grow the Playford region as an inclusive community.

This year’s award winners in a quality field of nominations were:

Tyler Rutka-Hudson (Personal Development Award)

Twelve years ago, Tyler Rutka-Hudson was involved in a serious accident and he has since overcome every hurdle.
The personal achievement award recognises his passion for advocating for those who need a voice.

He contributes to Julie Farr Purple Orange, Job Prospects, Salisbury Youth Council and participates in local community events.

Tyler uses his story to motivate and aid others on their own journey.

Con’s Cab Service (Community Service Award)

Con’s Cab Service has been providing transport for people with disability for many years and operator Con Tsouvalas regularly goes above and beyond what is expected from a taxi company.
Health specialists specifically request Con’s Cab Service to transport their clients due to the business’ understanding, compassion and flexibility.

Anna Couper – Mother Earth Studio (Sports/Art/Recreation Award)

Anna runs a pottery business and has adapted her classes to be more inclusive and innovative for people living with disability.
The Playford Friends group has attended classes with Anna for the past year and really enjoy the projects, support and advice she provides them.
Check out some of Anna’s work via Facebook.

Adelaide Property and Gardens – Bedford Group (Business/Employment/Education Award)

Bedford's Adelaide Property and Gardens (APG) provides supported employment opportunities to people with disability in Playford while building individual life skills through landscaping, horticulture and maintenance work.
Bedford APG is competing against big landscaping companies but is continuing to keep customers happy.

Among the clients is one of the most successful housing developments in Australia, Blakes Crossing, right in the heart of the City of Playford.

City of Playford Mayor Glenn Docherty said the International Day of People with Disability

supports the City of Playford’s aim to be a resilient and cohesive community that is inclusive and accessible for all.

“We strive to be a community that values diversity and celebrates the gifts, strengths and abilities of all its members,” Mayor Docherty said.

Playford’s event theme, ‘Let Your Dreams Set Sail’, focussed on showcasing inclusive and accessible travel options for people living with disability that may previously have worried or hesitated about making travel plans.

Guest speakers at the awards were Clair and Scott Crowley, owners of ‘The Good Scout’ and ‘Push Adventures’, who launched ‘101 Adventures: Accessible Experiences Across Australia’ in conjunction with International Day of People with Disability (link:

If you know of any person or organisation/employee that stands out within their own personal development journey or their contribution in improving the lives of people living with disability in the City of Playford, consider nominating them for next year’s event by contacting Lee Norsworthy (8256 0333).